Shortcode Collection for This Site Migration

Productivity shortcodes discovered

Table of contents

Text Style Categories


I love blue so much!

Gaussian Blur

Some manual censoring effects!
Anyway, add an empty tag for a new line.

Text Shade

Data deletion! Data deletion!
Anyway, add an empty tag for a new line.

Text Position

Text on the left

Centered text

Text on the right

Excerpt Quote

Write the quote content here. Remember to use double brackets in actual use.

Centered Quote

The symbols on both sides can be customized
Double brackets are required for use
An empty tag is needed for a new line

Keyboard Style


Rating Style

Card Style

You can insert a link here to pretend it’s a card-style link.
It seems that you can’t insert images?
An empty tag is needed for a new line. Double brackets are required for actual use.

GitHub-Style Card

Link content description

AI (Preview)

Link from :

This is a piece of content generated by AI.
Powered by AI


Link from:

Who is playing a song Dongfengpo with a pipa
Years peel off on the wall and I see my childhood

Render As

Link from:

If you control your Hugo content files, it’s safe to specify unsafe: true in your Hugo config file.


Reference NeoDB Entry

进入社会工作至今的十年间,胡安焉走南闯北,辗转于广东、广西、云南、上海、北京等地,做过快递员、夜班拣货工人、便利店店员、保安、自行车店销售、服装店导购、加油站加油工……他将日常的点滴和工作的甘苦化作真诚的自述,记录了一个平凡人在生活中的辛劳、私心、温情、正气。 在物流公司夜间拣货的一年,给他留下了深刻的生理印记:“这份工作还会令人脾气变坏,因为长期熬夜以及过度劳累,人的情绪控制力会明显下降……我已经感到脑子不好使了,主要是反应变得迟钝,记忆力开始衰退。”在北京送快递的两年,他“把自己看作一个时薪30元的送货机器,一旦达不到额定产出值就恼羞成怒、气急败坏”…… 但他最终认识到,怀着怨恨的人生是不值得过的。这些在事后追忆中写成的工作经历,渗透着他看待生活和世界的态度与反思,旨在表达个人在有限的选择和局促的现实中,对生活意义的直面和肯定:生活中许多平凡隽永的时刻,要比现实困扰的方方面面对人生更具有决定意义。

Manually Input NeoDB Entry

A British version of the story of Red Rose and White Rose. The young and beautiful Eleanor Carlisle stands calmly in the dock. She is the niece of Mrs. Welman, the mistress of Hanging Rock Estate, and is accused of murdering her rival, Mary Gerrard, the daughter of the estate's gatekeeper. The evidence is conclusive: Eleanor prepared the fatal lunch, and only she had the motive and opportunity to commit the crime. However, in that hostile courtroom, only one person still believes that Eleanor is innocent until proven guilty. Hercule Poirot steps between Eleanor and the gallows...

Git (Preview)

Link from :

